四川麻辣口水手撕雞 中式食譜


Perfect appetiser for a cooking gathering💞簡單版的口水雞!非常之適合做宴客冷/常溫盤,可以預先準備,而且常溫進食,免卻了烹調多個菜式保溫的問題😝當然亦可以平日晚飯煮這個,突然想食辣或者冇乜胃口,用來拌飯非常之開胃✌🏻個人非常鍾意烹調手撕雞原因是,蒸好雞肉後手撕,再拌入醬汁非常之方便而且啖啖肉😽




雞髀 3-4隻
花生碎 適量
白芝麻 適量
芫茜 適量

薑蓉 1湯匙, 蒜蓉 1湯匙, 蔥花 1湯匙, 乾蔥蓉2湯匙, 指天椒碎 1湯匙, 花椒粉 1湯匙, 花椒油 1湯匙, 油 4湯匙, 辣椒油/辣椒醬 2湯匙, 麻油 1湯匙, 砂糖 1茶匙, 生抽 1湯匙, 老抽 1茶匙,
鹽 1/2茶匙

1) 雞髀肉混合1湯匙鹽,醃10分鐘後蒸約15-20分鐘,待涼後,用手撕成肉絲備用!
2) 煮熟油後關火,立刻下薑蓉、蒜蓉、蔥花、乾蔥、指天椒炒一下,再下其他麻辣汁材料拌勻試味,麻和辣的程度可依個人口味增減、麻辣醬淋上雞上!
3) 花生碎和白芝麻灑面、再灑上芫茜和蔥粒即成

3-4 chicken thighs
Crushed peanuts
White sesame

Spicy sauce ingredients:
1 tbsp minced ginger, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp chopped scallion, 2 tbsp shallot, 1 tbsp minced chili pepper, 1 tbsp Sichuan Peppercorn powder, 1 tbsp Sichuan Peppercorn oil, 4 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp chili oil/chili sauce, 1tbsp sesame oil, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp, dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp salt

How to:
1) Mix chicken thigh with 1 tablespoon of salt, marinate for 10 minutes, steam for about 15-20 minutes, after cooling, shred the meat with your hands and set aside!
2) After the oil heated, turn off the heat, immediately add ginger, garlic, scallion, shallot and chili, stir-fry for 30 sec, then add all the other spicy sauce ingredients and mix well to taste. (The degree of numbness and spiciness can be adjusted according to personal taste) Pour the Spicy sauce on the chicken!
3) Sprinkle chopped peanuts and white sesame on top, then sprinkle with coriander and scallions and serve
