滑滑栗子濃湯 西式食譜



材料: (4碗)
栗子 500g
蒜蓉 1茶匙
乾葱 2粒
洋蔥 半個
雞湯再或水 750ml
牛油 10g
牛奶 200ml
淡忌廉 50ml
鹽和黑椒 適量
Parsley 裝飾用

1) 洋蔥和乾蒽切粒,栗子放熱水浸一會去殼去衣
2) 鍋子中火放入牛油,倒入蒜蓉、乾蔥和洋蔥炒約2分鐘,再放入栗子炒1分鐘,加入雞湯大火煮滾後轉小火加蓋煮約45分鐘,熄火
3) 用手提攪拌器把所有材料打爛成蓉,再開小火,倒入牛奶和淡忌廉,加入適量的鹽及黑椒調味拌勻,小火煮約1分鐘即成

Ingredients: (4 bowls)
Chestnuts 500g
Minced garlic 1 tbsp
Minced shallots 2tbsp
Onion half
Chicken broth or water 750ml
Butter 10g
Milk 200ml
Cooking Cream 50ml
Salt and black pepper
Parsley for decoration

How to:
1) Dice the onion and shallot, soak the chestnuts in hot water for a while, remove the shell and skin
2) Put the butter in the pot over medium heat, pour in minced garlic, shallot and onion and fry for about 2 minutes, then add the chestnut and fry for 1 minute, add chicken broth and bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat, cover and cook for about 45 minutes, turn off the fire
3) Use a hand blender to mash all the ingredients into puree, then turn on low heat, pour in milk and light cream, add some salt and black pepper to taste and mix well, cook on low heat for about 1 minute and serve
