鮮蠔白酒忌廉蝴蝶粉 西式食譜


Super juicy fresh oysters! Very easy quick dinner option🦭今次用了台山蠔,蠔味重!加入白汁忌廉超夾!super creamy and juicy! 不過加入意粉之後要小心攪勻,因為蠔比較脆弱易破爛!可以用不同類型的意粉都得💖


材料: (2人份)
任何意粉 150g
蠔 8隻
乾蔥頭 3粒
蘑菇 10粒
牛油 15克
雞湯 200ml
白酒 50ml
忌廉 100ml
Parsley 少許
鹽和黑胡椒 適量

1) 先洗蠔,把蠔放在碗中,用生粉拌勻、沖水清洗2-3次!如果把腥可以加入少許檸檬汁和鹽醃一醃
2) 乾蔥切碎,蘑菇切半,意粉跟包裝減2分鐘煮至al dente
3) 熱鑊下牛油爆香乾蔥蓉約2分鐘,再加入蘑菇炒至蘑菇約3分鐘,然後倒入白酒讓酒精揮發,再倒入雞湯煮滾後,加入蠔大火煮4分鐘,把意粉加入攪拌均勻,再加入忌廉轉細火煮2分鐘

Ingredients: for two
Any pasta 150g
Oysters 8
Shallot 3 pieces
Brown mushroom 10 pieces
Butter 15g
Chicken stock 200ml
White wine 50ml
Cream 100ml
Salt and black pepper

How to:
1) Use salt and corn starch to wash the oysters under running water
2) Chop the shallot, cut the mushroom into slice and cook the pasta and set aside
3) Melt butter in the pan and fry the shallot for 2mins. Add mushroom after and fry for 3mins. Add white wine and cook for 30sec, then add chicken soup and bring to a boil. Add in oyster cook for 4mins with high heat. Then add the pasta and cream, cook for 2mins or until thicken.
4)add black pepper and salt as seasonings, top with parsley and done
