花膠撈飯 中式食譜


花膠撈飯🍚 𝑭𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒎𝒂𝒘 𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆



材料: (4人用)
花膠筒 3-4條
蔥花 適量

蒜頭 2粒
蔥 2條
蠔油/ 鮑汁 2湯匙
雞湯 200ml (示乎花膠大小,可加多點)
糖 1茶匙
老抽 1湯匙

1) 花膠浸1晚,之後用薑加小小米酒,煮一煲滾水,然後再放入花膠,蓋上煲蓋,中火滾約3分鐘左右關火,花膠繼續蓋上煲蓋,浸半日左右就會發到好大!一開始煮嗰陣會縮水㗎!唔好嚇親!之後慢慢浸就會變返大!

2) 鍋底抹少許油,米洗淨後加入同等份量的水,蓋上鍋蓋以中火煮至鍋蓋緣有蒸汽冒出,再轉小火繼續煮約15分鐘至飯熟就得,想有飯焦可以最後轉中火煮多3-5分鐘

3) 花膠發好後,切粗條,煲中下油爆香蒜頭和蔥,快手下花膠輕炒後下雞湯和其他調味料,轉小火炆煮20分鐘

4) 把汁和花膠加在飯上,上蓋細火煮多一分鐘,灑上蔥花即成

Ingredients: (serves 4)
3-4 pieces of dried fish maw
2 cups of rice
2 cups of water
chopped green onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 stalks of green onions
2 tbsp of oyster sauce or abalone sauce
200ml of chicken broth (adjust according to the size of the fish maw)
1 tsp of sugar
1 tbsp of dark soy sauce

1) Soak the dried fish maw overnight. Then, boil some water with ginger and a small amount of rice wine, add the soaked fish maw, cover with a lid, and simmer for about 3 minutes over medium heat. Turn off the heat and let the fish maw continue to soak with the lid on for half a day.

2) Grease the bottom of a pot with a little oil. After washing the rice, add an equal amount of water, cover with a lid, and cook over medium heat until steam starts to come out from the lid’s edge. Then turn the heat down to low and continue cooking for about 15 minutes until the rice is done. If you want some crispy rice, you can cook for an additional 3-5 minutes over medium heat at the end.

3) Cut the soaked fish maw into thick strips. Heat some oil in a pot and stir-fry the garlic and green onions until fragrant. Quickly add the fish maw and stir-fry. Then add the chicken broth and other seasonings, turn the heat down to low, and simmer for 20 minutes.

4) Pour the sauce and fish maw over the rice, cover with a lid, and cook over low heat for another minute. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve.
