滑蛋牛肉飯 中式食譜


Easy comfort food! English recipe at the bottom.牛肉部位我多數買新鮮牛冧肉,可以叫街市牛肉店幫手切埋,方便快捷😹 要整到滑牛肉第一其實要肉質好、部位對,第二就係要逆紋切,等三就係醃肉方法!炒滑蛋之前已經介紹過,唔再多講,可以睇返滑蛋蝦仁個post♥️

牛肉 200g
雞蛋 4個
牛奶 20ml (可省略)
蔥粒 少許
鹽 少許

蠔油 1湯匙
生抽 1湯匙
糖 1茶匙
胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
生粉 1湯匙 + 水 2湯匙 成生粉水
油 1湯匙

1) 牛肉切片,加入蠔油、生抽、糖、胡椒粉攪拌均勻!之後再加入生粉水攪拌30秒至均勻及牛肉吸收水份,最後加入油醃15分鐘!
2) 中火下1-2湯匙油,加入牛肉,先鋪平煎好1邊約1分鐘,再反轉另一個,牛肉開始轉色的時候,可開始爆炒一下,拿起備用!
3) 把蛋打入大碗裡打,加入少許牛奶和鹽拌勻
4) 大火加1-2湯匙油在鑊中,等到油好熱,倒進蛋汁和牛肉,轉小火再炒蛋,見底部蛋汁開始凝固就手快地用鑊鏟由底鏟上面,之後關火,利用餘溫重覆炒多幾下後便成,免炒得太熟,加蔥粒即成

Beef 200g
Egg 4
Milk 20ml (optional)
Spring onion
Salt to taste

Beef marinade:
Oyster sauce 1tbsp
Soy sauce 1tbsp
Sugar 1tsp
White Pepper 1/2tsp
Potato Starch 1tbsp mix with 2tbsp water
Oil 1tbsp

1. Cut beef into slice, marinate the beef according to the marinade list sequence, mix until the beef absorb all the marinade, set aside for 15 mins.
2. In a bowl, add in eggs, milk and salt; whisk until smooth.
3. On a pan, add one tbsp of oil and heat over medium heat, pan fry for the beef for 1min on each side, then transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. On a pan, add one tbsp of oil and heat over high heat, add the egg mixture and the beef, when the edge of the egg starts to form, scrape your spatular along the bottom, turn off the fire and using the remaining heat to keep cooking the egg until the egg mostly set but not fully.
5. Add spring onion and sweet soy sauce, serve with rice!!

