啤酒炆牛肋條 西式食譜


*With Eng recipe* Super easy and yummy one pot meal! 呢幾日都無乜心機煮飯,集中研究去旅行💞之前都未試過plan旅行要搵公園搵bb設施…😅Anyways recipe from 3 years ago🙂呢個菜式加了啤酒好鮮甜好好味🥳其實煮過之後唔會有酒精味,但就多了一份麥味清甜!個人喜歡這個多過紅酒炆!雖然2個都好食😆十分易煮!送飯好好食仲可以食埋蔬菜🥕🥔🍅

👶🏻分開煮咗個小朋友version! 主要分別就係無用啤酒,用水取代❣️佢勁鐘意用來撈飯!😗

▶️煮肉既啤酒想更好食可選用黑啤如Stout, Porter 或 Dark ale. 不過我屋企有罐普通light啤酒,同樣好味,高溫煮過後無酒精味,但留有特別的麥香味▶️因為加入了麵粉去令到個汁濃厚,一定要用小火炆,期間要不時觀察留意,太大火會好易煮乾,牛湯我用citysuper一隻濃縮精華,味道天然好用 (材料圖紅色個包)

❣️New @lecreusethk Fleur Relief Oblong Casserole 31cm Cotton
牛肋條 400-500g
洋蔥 一小個或半大個
車厘茄 8粒
蒜頭 3粒
甘荀 1條
薯仔 1-2小個
茄膏 2湯匙
牛油 2湯匙
啤酒 300ml
牛湯 300ml
麵粉 2湯匙
Bay Leaf 2片
糖 1湯匙
黑椒和鹽 適量

1) 牛肋條解凍後切成塊,加鹽和黑椒醃十分鐘,洋蔥切條,車厘茄切半,甘荀和薯仔切塊
2) 熱鍋下油,加入牛肋條用中火煎至2邊微微金黃,盛起備用
3) 同一個鍋中,(如太多油可倒一倒,不用洗) 用牛油細火炒香洋蔥,再加入蒜頭炒香,再加入車厘茄、甘荀和薯仔炒勻
4) 加入茄膏炒勻,再下麵粉拌勻,加入牛肋條,倒入牛湯、啤酒和Bay Leaf,大火煮滾後加入糖、鹽和黑椒,轉小火蓋上蓋炆1.5-2小時即可

Yummy beef beer stew
Beef rib fingers 400-500g
Onion 1/2
Cherry tomato 8
Garlic 3cloves
Carrot 1
Potato 1 large
Tomato paste 2tbsp
Butter 2tbsp
Beer 300ml
Beef stock 300ml
Flour 2tbsp
Bay Leaf 2pieces
Sugar 1tbsp
Black pepper & salt to taste

How to:
1) Add black pepper and salt into beef, set aside for 10 mins, pan fry with oil until both side turn light golden brown, set aside
2) Peel and chop carrot, potato and onion
3) In the same pot, add butter, pan fry the garlic and onion for 3mins, then add in cherry tomato, carrot and potato!
4) add tomato paste, mix well, add flour, mix well, then add in beef, beef stock, beef and bay leaf. Bring to boil with high heat, add in sugar, salt and black pepper. Cover the lid and cook for 1.5-2 hours with low heat.

*Adding flour is for a thicken sauce, but please be mindful to boil with low heat, stir and monitor frequently to avoid the bottom got burnt*

